Double Yolk Eggs Facts Explained

This article was posted by Anonymous (not verified) on August 29th, 2009

The woman at the other end of the phone sounded worried. Almost all the eggs in the carton she'd purchased contained two yolks. What was wrong with these eggs? And since she assumed something had gone wrong somewhere, what would happen to the hens, where the problem no doubt lay (no pun intended)!

I assured her there was nothing wrong with the eggs or the hens and that occasionally hens lay double-yolked eggs, typically when they are first starting to lay. It's just one of those things. The shell forms around two yolks instead of one. There is nothing wrong with the hens. 

Double-yolk eggs are sometimes sold with a label that advises they have an extra yolk, but often, they are simply packed with other eggs that fall within the same weight range. So, the next time you find a surprise double-yolk egg or two in your carton, consider it your lucky day! Check out this video for more info on double yolks!


How do farmers know eggs are double yolk?

Part of the grading process eggs go through before they reach the grocery store includes an inspection known as candling, where eggs are passed over a bright light that illuminates the interior of the egg. 

During candling, trained graders carefully examine the eggs for various characteristics. They check the size of the air space at the wide end of the egg, which serves as an indicator of freshness—the smaller the air space, the fresher the egg. They also search for any cracks in the shell, blood spots, or other abnormalities that might affect the egg's quality. 

The candling process also allows graders to check for double-yolk eggs.

Double-yolk eggs typically appear larger and more elongated than regular single-yolk eggs. This size discrepancy is a reliable indicator during candling, allowing graders to distinguish double-yolk eggs from the rest. While candling is an efficient method, some double-yolk eggs may escape detection due to individual variation in size or differences in the appearance of yolks. 

It's important to note that double-yolk eggs are a natural occurrence and do not affect the egg's safety or nutritional value. Farmers embrace these unique eggs as a charming quirk of nature and take pride in providing customers with a diverse range of options in the egg case.

Do large eggs have bigger yolks?

As hens mature and progress in their egg-laying cycle, the size of the eggs they produce tends to increase. An egg yolk typically accounts for 30% of the total weight of an egg, which means that a larger egg that weighs more may also have a larger egg yolk. This means that larger and more mature hens often lay larger eggs with slightly larger yolks. 

Whether you prefer larger yolks for certain recipes or simply enjoy the taste and texture they provide, choosing the right egg size is a matter of personal preference. It's worth experimenting with different egg sizes to find the perfect fit for your needs.

What type of chickens lay double-yolk eggs?

While double yolks can be found in eggs from various chicken breeds, they are more commonly laid by younger hens that are earlier in their egg-laying cycle.

During the early stages of a hen's egg-laying cycle, her  system is still adjusting, and occasionally, it releases two yolks simultaneously. These yolks are then enclosed in the same shell resulting in the formation of a double-yolk egg. As the hen matures, the chances of laying double-yolk eggs typically decrease.

How rare is a double-yolk egg?

Double-yolk eggs are relatively rare. According to the American Egg Safety Center, double-yolk eggs occur in about 1 out of every 1,000 eggs. 

The likelihood of getting a double-yolk egg can vary depending on a few factors, such as the breed and age of the hen. Young hens that are just beginning to lay eggs are more likely to produce double-yolk eggs than a more mature hen.

What are the odds of getting 2 double-yolk eggs in a row?

The odds of getting 2 double-yolk eggs in a row varies depending on the type of carton you buy. 

Double-yolk eggs typically weigh more. Because of that, they are likely to be sorted as jumbo eggs. Therefore, if you purchase a carton of jumbo eggs, it is very likely that you will get several double-yolk eggs in a row.

Sometimes, it is possible to get multiple double-yolk eggs in large or extra large egg cartons. If you do, consider it your lucky day!

Are double-yolk eggs healthy?

Double-yolk eggs are just as healthy and nutritious as single-yolk eggs, and there is no need to worry about their safety or quality. 

As the name suggests, double-yolk eggs contain two yolks instead of the usual one. Due to this doubled yolk content, double-yolk eggs may have slightly higher levels of protein, fat, and cholesterol compared to single-yolk eggs. However, these differences are minimal and generally not significant enough to affect most people's diets or health. It's important to remember that eggs, regardless of yolk count, are an excellent source of high-quality protein, essential vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients.

Whether you choose to consume double-yolk eggs or single-yolk eggs, the overall health benefits of eggs remain the same. Eggs are a valuable part of a balanced diet and can be included in various dishes to provide essential nutrients and support overall health.

Do double-yolk eggs taste different?

Besides the egg just having more yolk, there is no difference in taste and texture between a double-yolk egg and a single-yolk egg.

It’s important to note that the chemical properties in egg yolks and egg whites are different. Therefore, depending on the recipe and quantity of double double-yolk eggs used, double-yolk eggs may alter the consistency of your batter when baking.

Can you stop eggs from having double yolks?

Double-yolk eggs are a natural occurrence and not something that can be prevented or induced in hens. As the egg-laying process is governed by a hen's reproductive system, the occasional release of two yolks simultaneously can result in the formation of a double-yolk egg.

As hens mature and progress in their egg-laying cycle, the occurrence of double yolks typically becomes less frequent. This is because the hen's reproductive system stabilizes over time, and the release of multiple yolks simultaneously becomes less common. However, even with older hens, the occasional double-yolk egg can still be laid, as it is a natural and unpredictable aspect of egg production.

While it is not possible to prevent double yolks from occurring, it's essential to recognize that they do not affect the safety or quality of the eggs. Double-yolk eggs are perfectly safe to eat and provide the same nutritional benefits as single-yolk eggs.

So, the next time you crack open an egg and discover a double yolk, enjoy the uniqueness that nature has gifted you!

Can a hen lay a triple yolk egg?

Triple-yolk eggs are incredibly rare. According to the American Egg Safety Center, triple-yolk eggs occur in about 1 out of every 25 million eggs. 

The chances of a hen laying a triple-yolk egg are significantly lower than those of a double yolk egg due to the complex timing required for three yolks to be released simultaneously. Like double-yolk eggs, the likelihood of getting a triple-yolk egg can vary depending on factors such as the breed of the hen and the hen's age.