The Mulders Family: Producing a safe, affordable product for Ontario families

This article was posted by sbrien@getcrac… on April 6th, 2017


When Luke and Marloes Mulder decided to move away from the city to raise their three children, egg farming was a natural choice for them.

The Mulders enjoy going to the barn, teaching their children how to provide the best care possible to their hens. The top priority on their farm is to look after the well-being of their hens while producing a high-quality egg.

They both agree that it’s a great feeling to produce a safe, affordable and fresh product for other families like theirs. 

As Luke says, “if you can produce a great product and have a wonderful time doing it, it’s a wonderful thing.”


To learn more about how the Mulder's care for their hens, you can also check out the Caring for Hens section of our website!