Ham And Egg Wraps For Breakfast

This grab-and-go breakfast takes little time to make in the morning. But even if you can’t make time for breakfast, an easy alternative is to make these Egg and Ham Breakfast Wraps ahead, refrigerate or freeze them, then pop them in the microwave to heat before you rush out the door.

Egg and Ham Breakfast Wraps

Makes 4 wraps | 593 calories per serving


  • 8 eggs 
  • 3 tbsp milk
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 2 tsp oil
  • 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup diced cooked ham
  • 4 large whole wheat flour tortillas (9 to 10 inches, about 60 g each)


  1. Whisk eggs, milk and pepper in a small bowl. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add egg mixture.
  2. Cook, stirring frequently, until eggs are nearly set. Stir in cheese and ham.
  3. Cook until eggs are set. Spoon scrambled egg mixture over the centre of each tortilla. 
  4. For each tortilla, fold up two opposite sides, then starting from a third side, roll up the tortilla completely enclosing the filling.
  5. Serve immediately.


  • Wraps can be frozen. Once cooled, wrap in plastic wrap, then place in a resealable plastic bag in the freezer for up to 1 month. To serve, thaw in the refrigerator overnight. Remove plastic wrap. Microwave on high until heated through, about 40 to 60 seconds.
  • If desired, chopped cooked sweet peppers, broccoli, ham or sausage can be substituted for the ham.
  • Another cheese can be used in place of cheddar.
  • Use a flavoured tortilla - e.g. spinach or tomato and basil.


How many calories are in a ham and egg wrap?

The number of calories in a ham and egg wrap can vary depending on the ingredients and serving size. However, the total calories per wrap in our Egg and Ham Breakfast Wraps is approximately 593.

Are egg wraps healthy?

Yes, egg wraps can be a healthy food choice when made with whole ingredients and prepared in a balanced way. Eggs are a good source of hunger-curbing protein, while whole wheat tortillas can provide fiber and complex carbohydrates. By choosing lean sources of protein and limiting added fats and sodium, egg wraps can be a satisfying and healthy meal option.

Is eating an egg sandwich every day healthy?

If the sandwich is produced with nutritional components and prepared in a balanced way, eating an egg sandwich daily can be a part of a healthy diet. In addition to being a good source of protein, eggs also have important nutrients including choline and vitamin D. Fibre and complex carbs found in whole grain bread or English muffins can help maintain digestive health.

However, because some options may be high in sodium, added sugars, or unhealthy fats, it is crucial to take into account the other ingredients used in the egg sandwich. For instance, adding cheese or high-calorie sauces or using processed meats like bacon or sausage can considerably up the sandwich's calorie and fat load.

To make sure you are getting a variety of nutrients, it's also crucial to add variety to your diet. Include a variety of fruits and vegetables throughout the day, along with other protein sources like nuts, seeds, legumes, or fish, to get the essential vitamins and minerals your body requires to stay healthy.